Constipation is common in children. Knowing the causes, signs, and prevention strategies can
help you and your child keep bowel healthy habits at home.
What is constipation?
- Fewer than normal number of bowel movements (also called poops or stools) a week.
It’s important to note that how often your child usually stools will be different from
what’s normal for another child.
- Hard, dry, or painful to pass bowel movements
- Other signs include stomachaches, soiling underwear, and making faces or clenching
their bottom while passing stool
What causes constipation?
- Withholding or holding back stool
- Illness
- Diet
- Life stressors
The most common cause of constipation in children is withholding stool. This can happen when
children are potty trained too early, as children may withhold stool to gain control in the
situation. Withholding stool can make the stool dryer and harder to pass which can then cause
pain with bowel movements. Now the child associates pain with bowel movements which can
worsen the issue. This is why it is best not to push children into toilet training and to treat
constipation when symptoms first arise.
Older children may withhold stool whenever they are away from home or because they don’t
want to stop what they’re doing to go to the bathroom.
How can I help my child develop good bowel habits?
- Create a toilet routine with your child. Pick a regular daily time when you encourage
your child to sit on the toilet.
- Put something beneath your child’s feet that they can press on. This makes it easier for
them to push out stool.
- Ensure your child is drinking enough fluid and eating fiber-rich foods like fruits,
vegetables, beans, and whole grains. These foods help soften the stool so that it’s easier
to pass.
- Encourage play and activity.
When do I call my child’s doctor?
Call or schedule a visit with your child’s doctor if your child is constipated for more than 2
weeks or is also having a fever, pain with their bowel movements, blood in their stool, swelling
of their belly, appetite change, or weight loss.
learn more about the signs, causes, and treatment of constipation.
Jihane (Jiji) Oufattole MS3 University of Missouri School of Medicine Springfield Campus
Office Phone: 417-882-1600
Fax: 417-720-2682
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