New Born Check Up
The providers and staff of Pediatric Associates congratulate you and your family on the birth of your baby. We are pleased you have chosen our office to assist with your child’s health care. This document is the first in a series that are available on our website. It contains advice and answers for common questions to help you better care for your baby. Please feel free to call our staff with routine questions during office hours. If your child has an emergency, please call us at any time.
Two Week Check Up
Two weeks of age is time to refine feeding and sleep patterns. This visit is also a good time to talk about how parents and sibs are coping with the baby's arrival.
Two-Month Check Up
This visit is time to talk about immunizations. Feedings are shifting and milestones are becoming more apparent.
4-Month Check Up
At four months, sleep is improving and we are ready to make some nighttime adjustments. New milestones happen almost every day. Lots to talk about!
6-Month Check Up
Time to talk about starting pureed veggies and fruit with some cereal. Car seat changes are coming up soon too.
9 Month Check Up
Baby is getting more active so childproofing takes center stage at this visit. Upgrading to table food and talking about prevention of food allergies is a hot topic at this visit too.
Language and social skills are a focus in this age range. Establishing your discipline style is a good topic now as well.
Toilet training is tops on the list at these visits. Social skills and eating habits are good topics here too.
Four and five year olds are preparing for school and learning to enjoy new foods. If you or your child is worried about kindergarten vaccines, please call ahead. We have lots of ideas and resources to share.
School success, social skills and new skills such as learning to ride a bike, swim and cook are favorite topics at these visits.
Office Phone: 417-882-1600
Fax: 417-720-2682
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