What is Bedwetting?
Bedwetting is a common issue for many children. In fact, there are about 5 million children in the U.S. who wet the bed past the recommended age. Many children are toilet trained between the ages of 2-4, but some children develop and train at their own rate. If your child has accidents at night, they are not alone. And as a parent, neither are you.
Effects of Bedwetting
Bedwetting can cause strain on children and parents, and may worsen social anxiety, depression, and isolation from peers. If your child experiences bladder control problems after age five and it is bothersome to them and your family, it may be worth reaching out to the child’s pediatrician to seek help.
Types of Bedwetting
There are two types of bedwetting:
#1) Primary bedwetting is the focus of this article and describes children who never achieved dry nights since potty training (typically these children have no accidents during the daytime).
#2) Secondary bedwetting is when a child achieved consistent dry nights for at least 6 months but has started bedwetting again. This can be related to many factors, including urination dysfunction, constipation, or neurologic dysfunction. This type of bedwetting is an urgent concern so please call your PCP promptly.
Common reasons for bedwetting
Managing bedwetting
Keep the following tips in mind:
Bedwetting Treatment
The initial treatment for bedwetting includes behavioral and lifestyle changes. These may include, but are not limited to:
You can reach out to your child’s pediatrician for guidance on what changes may work best.
If bedwetting does not stop after behavioral changes, there are additional medical treatments that may be warranted. Please discuss these options with your child’s pediatrician if other methods have not been effective.
For further details, you can read more about bedwetting
here and
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