The New Patient Registration Packet includes forms for new patients to complete and return at least two weeks before their first visit.
Agreement for authorization to release information in medical and accounting records, financial obligation, privacy practices, and consent for treatment. VIEW OUR HIPAA POLICY HERE
The Shared Information Document filed with our office gives us your written permission to speak with other persons such as a babysitter, grandparent, school nurse or athletic trainer about your child’s health.
The Medical Records Release Form should be mailed to your previous provider(s). We suggest having the copy sent to you to be kept permanently at home. We will scan pertinent parts of your copy into our electronic record.
Missouri Sports Physical Form (MSHSAA) Please note that the parent/student sections are to be completed before the physician signs the form. Completed forms will be returned to parent or patient only; we are no longer able to fax to schools
This form will be needed if your child is going to a licensed daycare or child care in Missouri.
Form for child going to scout camp. Check-ups must be up to date for us to complete this form. Please call 417-882-1600 to schedule.
Away From Home Care form for when your child will be staying with someone else while you are away. Form should be left with the person that is caring for your child.
Parent's ADD Follow-up assessment form to monitor treatment.
Teacher’s ADD Follow-up assessment form to monitor treatment.
Please sign and mail this form to our office after reviewing the AAP recommendations on home birth if you are planning to deliver your baby at home.
Office Phone: 417-882-1600
Fax: 417-720-2682
After Hours Line:
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