Now Scheduling for Summer Well Child Visits
MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
SATURDAY 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Posts answering parents' questions about their child's health.
Call Coxhealth to establish your child's account. We will call you after we review any lab we order if action is needed.
We are the only independent pediatric group practice in Springfield. What this means for our patients is that your needs are our primary concern. We do not need to meet any artificial efficiency goals and always put your needs above those of an insurer, hospital or insurance plan. We feel that we have developed a practice that is more responsive to the needs of the modern family, with easier access of care, than is found anywhere else in Springfield.
Contacting us regarding sick children early in the office day enables us to schedule any necessary appointments promptly. Our telephone triage staff will ask you the exact nature of your concern.
Before your appointment with us, quickly and conveniently access patient forms and policies from our practice. Upon your first visit, this will allow the check in process to go quickly.
Our website cannot ever replace the advice of your pediatrician, but the staff and doctors at Pediatrics of Springfield have searched the web for some of the best and most credible online resources. Check back often for updates to this list:
Office Phone: 417-882-1600
Fax: 417-720-2682
After Hours Line:
Website Design: VIP Marketing Group